The Wraith From the Gray Mist brings an armful of good things- hope, peace, joy, eroticism, playfulness to encourage people on planet earth. I just spent the last few days at a plein air paint out on Whidbey Island, WA. A gorgeous place, perfect weather and a fun event. Whidbey is near Seattle but very far away- it seems 50 years back in time. In spite of idylic circumstances – in my gut I was aware of the massive changes in our country and around the world. Banks collapsing, extensive loss of life due to war and weather; an overall undercurrent of fear and unease worldwide.
The perfect Indian summer sun could not keep away the grayness in my belly, not just for myself – I was fine, but even without seeing the news I knew that I was near the site of a recent shooting where six people died. I was also near the location of the death of a family member, just last week.
My daughter was born on Whidbey Island, and her birth was a win for Life. Her grandfather came over from Norway and was born on a boat just off the coast of Whidbey Island. I have deep history there. The armful of happiness and joy delivered by the wraith from the gray mist is most welcome. She can visit anytime.