The plants know that is is spring. I woke to 36 degrees outdoors but the fruit trees are blossoming and the bird have been busy for months. The red breasted sapsucker stakes out his space, attracts a mate and they build thier nest, the business of the season.
Our culture would have us associate sex with the young and the beautiful. I associate sex with the oldest rhythms of life. Even the ancient cherry tree blooms. My friend Linda meditates under the tree’s massive branches. The gentle bees hum and keep her company. Today is her 60th birthday and with the cherry tree, she blooms.
Wow! This is a companion piece to the Mayan calendar mandala, the plate elements making it visually consistent. I love the Tree of Life with the rooted woman, who is Linda, but is also you, returned to your center. This is a beauty. Very deeply deep.
Beauty of the Tree of Life but I also see the beauty of a deep and vast sea filled with life. The tree looks to be an anemone giving birth to a human something like Venus emerging from a clam shell. Elemental.